

作者:lol押注正规平台app    发布时间:2024-09-26 05:47:02    浏览量:
本文摘要:The first quantum communications satellite developed by China is expected to launch in July of this year. The Beijing–Shanghai quantum private communications line will also be opened in the second half of this year, according to Pan Jianwei, academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, during an interview with China Youth Daily.由中国研发的全球第一颗量子通讯卫星将于今年七月升空。

The first quantum communications satellite developed by China is expected to launch in July of this year. The Beijing–Shanghai quantum private communications line will also be opened in the second half of this year, according to Pan Jianwei, academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, during an interview with China Youth Daily.由中国研发的全球第一颗量子通讯卫星将于今年七月升空。据中科院院士潘建伟在拒绝接受《中国青年报》的一次专访中透漏,从北京到上海的量子保密通讯线路也将于今年下半年通车。According to Pan, this milestone means that a quantum communications network will be formed, and that 30 years of research on quantum information will be finally put to use. Pan said that quantum communication between the satellite and the ground will be achieved for the first time anywhere in the world.据潘建伟院士透漏,这一里程碑式的顺利意味著中国将创建一个量子通讯网络,对于量子信息宽约三十年的研究必将投入使用。潘院士回应,中国将在全球首次构建卫星和地面基站的量子通讯。

In recent years, quantum communications is considered to be supportive research for next-generation communication technology because of its transmission efficiency and absolute security. Pan said that, as quantum technology is indivisible and cannot be cloned, it may be implemented as an information carrier for the distribution of sensitive information, thereby guaranteeing the secure transmission of important content. Quantum communications research has become a focus and frontier of global research in physics.近年来,由于在传输效率和信息安全上具备明显的优势,量子通讯手段被指出是次世代通讯技术的基础。据潘院士透漏,由于量子既无法被拆分,也无法被拷贝,因此可以用来作为脆弱信息的传播载体,从而确保从要信息的传输安全性。量子通讯研究早已沦为物理学界一个注目焦点和前沿性课题。China started developing its quantum satellite in 2011, and launched the quantum optical fiber communication network project, the Beijing–Shanghai line, in 2013. The Beijing–Shanghai quantum private communications line will cover a total length of over 2,000 kilometers, connecting a network of numerous cities including Beijing, Jinan, Hefei and Shanghai. It will be the worlds first wide-area optic fiber quantum private network.中国在2011年开始研发量子卫星,并于2013年开始了量子光纤通讯网络(北京-上海段)项目。


According to Pan, the assembly of the quantum satellite has already been completed. The satellite has passed electrical measurement and thermal balance testing, and is currently undergoing mechanical and magnetic testing in Shanghais Small Satellite Engineering Center.据潘院士透漏,量子通讯卫星的组装工作早已已完成了。这颗卫星早已通过了电测试和热平衡测试,目前正在上海的小卫星工程中心展开机械和磁力检测。With further development, quantum communications should benefit millions of households in the near future, Pan said, adding: I hope that within another 10 years of hard work, online transfers and payments can be guaranteed through quantum communication for every consumer.潘院士回应:“随着更进一步的发展,量子通讯将在不远处的将来使数以百万计的家庭获益。我期望在十年之内,通过我们的艰苦奋斗,量子通讯可以确保每一个消费者的在线信息传输和在线缴纳的安全性。



